Saturday, October 27, 2012

Great Pupkin 2012 Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn, NY #fgpupkin12

A year since I've last posted, but this wonderful event always gets me out with the camera.  As always, the crowd and judge favorites are the home-made costumes on happy dogs.  Even some of the simplest got big cheers when the dogs were having a good time and enjoyed showing off.

DJ  dog working his moves

Woolly mammoth 

World's biggest bed bug.


Sweet shark

A leaping panda.

Rainbow bright and my little pony.




Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.  

Olivia Newton John

Olivia getting some love from the fans.

Cute cloud.

Spool of thread.  7th Prize.

The new Barkclay's Center. 

Bridezilla--more loving than most on that show.

Cast from Breaking Bad.  5th Prize.

Spaghetti and meatballs.  4th Prize.

Captain Curly.  2nd Prize.


Psycho reenactment.  6th prize.

Baked potato.  Third prize.

A lovely ballerina that pirouetted like a pro. 

Where the Wild Things Are.  First prize.

Batman and Robin

Lassie--with fur extensions.

Security--no one messing with them!

Shooting star

Furturama characters

Renfield, 8th Place Prize

Adorable punk.


Kizz said...

These are great, thanks so much! I love the one of my Renfield (Eddie).

Kate on Clinton said...

Eddie was one of my favorites--such a little trooper the way he got in the cage. Love the details with the bugs.

Unknown said...

what a great set. is it possible to request a hi res of one? we are the three bears family and would like to print one for our album, please let me know if you can help me out. happy new year!

Kate on Clinton said...

Thanks Jason! I emailed you the one from the blog. Let me know if you want the others I have of your fun group costume.