I met our human neighbors at the other end of the hall soon after they moved in, but rarely saw them since. Lola became acquainted with their then one cat because she runs out when we come in and inspects every door. I imagined the neighbor's cat sniffing back when Lola was there.
Last week, one of the humans rang our bell to ask if we knew a reliable cat-sitter because hers had backed out for the holiday weekend. I immediately volunteered our services, and she was very relieved. Through a few brief elevator encounters, it somehow became clear that we are cat lovers.
For two days, I visited Chloe and Pumpkin to provide food, play, scooping and affection - well, only Chloe on the last. Pumpkin is apx 3-4 months old, and was a little skittish with me unless I had a toy on a long string. Both are rescues, which always tug my heart-strings (and also told me they have good humans).
Pumpkin on the left, Chloe on the right.
On her return, our neighbor said the ladies seemed much more relaxed than usual after being "alone". I'm pleased, but I think Lola and Mr. Beans were a little miffed at the "new cat smell" I brought home with me.
Chloe - in a familiar Lola-like pose. So affectionate and sweet. Within one day, she was climbing into my lap.
Pumpkin - she was hard to photograph, but is a very lovely little gray girl. She has those natural "sad-eyes", but I can tell she really is a feisty one.
I would like to introduce the ladies to our team, but I wouldn't do that without their humans' permission and presence.